Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just had to catch my breath.

When I was a kid one of my responsibilities every Saturday was to clean the bathrooms in the house. I started doing this when I was about 8 years old, and so small I had to use a stepladder to reach the counter. I would climb the steps to the counter, then stand on the counter so I could clean the mirrors all the way up to the top.

I remember one particular time when I was cleaning the bathroom, standing on the counter - when my brother came up and pinched me on the leg. I must've been lost deep in thought because it scared me and I went sprawling on the counter. My brother found this rather funny because that's what big brothers do. It knocked the wind out of me though, and I didn't even yell at him or anything because I was so startled. After a while I took a deep breath, climbed back up - and finished my chore.

I had a neuro-interventional ultrasound recently, and it showed a new nodule in the left thyroid bed. It is not in a place that can be biopsied.

Hearing the news felt a little like falling on the counter.

I've evaluated my options. My type of cancer is slow growing and has good prognosis. My tumor markers are still good. My TSH level is acceptable. I'm just going to wait it out.

But the nodule wasn't there 4 months ago. It shouldn't be there now.

Now that I've caught my breath I'll just get back to work.

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