Thursday, October 28, 2010

I think I can I think I can...

I'm tired.

Yesterday I tried doing a few normal things. We went to the grocery store and then I rode in the car for about an hour to pick my brother up at the airport.
I gave it my all but fell way way short of normal.

I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I thought by now - almost two weeks since my surgery - I'd be up and running.

I'm not.

I've been sitting around doing nothing all this time, and I still get winded when I walk even a little ways. I came home and just crashed. I feel like a total wuss.

OK. That's enough complaining.

Now I'll look at the good things happening. My neck is feeling much better and my incision is healing really well. I've lost about ten pounds, mainly because it is still hard to swallow. (Yes, that's a GOOD thing!)

I just ran out of steam too soon. The little engine that could ...just couldn't this time.

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